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How does the agricultural world use video to meet its communication challenges?

Agriculture is at the heart of our daily lives, providing the food we eat, the materials for our clothes and much more.

Agriculture is at the heart of our daily lives, providing the food we eat, the materials for our clothes and much more. But the world of agriculture is not just about ploughing fields and tending livestock. It also encompasses innovation, continuous learning, public awareness and sustainability. Although in an interview with terre-net, farmer and communications specialist Thierry Baillet believes that farming is still "in the stone age", we're going to explore how the use of video is transforming the agricultural sector.

Video training for farmers

Training is an essential part of modern agriculture. Educational videos have become invaluable tools for farmers, ranchers and farm workers. They demonstrate farming techniques, crop management methods and good safety practices in detail. Farmers can now access training resources online, facilitating continuous learning.

Sharing know-how through video

Videos play a key role in sharing farming practices. They highlight effective methods of crop management, pest control, seed selection, animal care and much more. The video format enables important knowledge to be shared within the farming community.French agricultural machinery manufacturer Belair, has produced a series of videos to present its trades and know-how to its dealers and farmer customers. It explains why in a video shot at Space 2023 in Rennes.

Video to raise public awareness

Agriculture is not just for farmers, but also for the general public. Videos can be used to raise public awareness of agricultural issues, such as food security, sustainability, natural resource management and the challenges facing farmers. They are an effective way of conveying the importance of supporting local, sustainable agriculture and farmers.

According to an article on agricultural communication, "video testimonials are a 2.0 version of word of mouth". Dominique d'Eté, an organic farmer in the Morvan region of Burgundy, understands this. To defend his convictions and his raison d'être, he has produced a video aimed directly at consumers. Watch it below.

Video to promote products

Videos are an excellent way of promoting agricultural products. They showcase the quality of local produce, demonstrate the production process and build consumer confidence. Videos can help farmers attract new customers and build strong relationships with them. Biobreizh, an agricultural cooperative based in Finistère, has chosen video to promote its territory and seasonal vegetables. The video showcases the cooperative's member market gardeners, giving them the opportunity to share their know-how and passion for the produce they feed us every day.

Video to monitor crop and livestock growth

Cameras and drones are increasingly used to monitor crop growth and livestock welfare. These videos provide real-time information on crop condition, animal health, and the effectiveness of management practices.

Video to ensure the next generation of farmers

Through authentic testimonials, the video can make farming more accessible to the younger generation by showing the opportunities and benefits of working in the sector. It can help attract new talent to agriculture.

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