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Internal Communication

5 advantages of video for your internal communication

In today's fast-moving business world, the way companies communicate with their employees plays a crucial role in creating an efficient, collaborative working environment.

In today's fast-moving business world, the way companies communicate with their employees plays a crucial role in creating a collaborative and effective working environment. Video communication is a powerful tool for conveying messages in an engaging and impactful way.

Adhere to company values

The company brings together many employees around shared values and ideas. But this recognition is not necessarily innate. Internal communication is the company's showcase. Images are stronger than words when it comes to representing all the company's values, sharing everyone's missions, objectives and successes.

Efficient transmission of information

As a company evolves, grows and welcomes new members, its missions can change too. While internal communication often tends to get lost in over-subscribed mailboxes, video can be shared on a variety of platforms, on a website, intranet or networks.

Short, dynamic videos are more likely to be watched to the end, and subtitles make it easier for employees to receive messages.

The video format in internal communication allows information to be conveyed in a clearer and more engaging way than text or other communication formats. Messages can be delivered vividly, with visuals and demonstrations, making it easier for employees to understand.

Video also helps company members to pay more attention and retain information better.

Video for greater engagement

Employee engagement is essential for successful internal communications. To stimulate this commitment, several video formats can be imagined:

  • A welcome video for new employees: presentation of the premises, company values, team members and benefits.
  • Video testimonials to highlight the diversity of experience within the company. It's a good idea to interview members of different departments and hierarchical levels, so that they can share their positive experiences, the reasons why they like working for the company, and the opportunities for growth they've encountered.
  • Aftermovie-style video reports on corporate events, to reinforce the sense of belonging and community.
  • Vis ma vie" videos to offer a glimpse into the day-to-day life of our various departments. This format was used by Eau du Ponant, for example, and broadcast on their various networks. The idea was to follow an employee throughout his or her day, showing the challenges and achievements specific to his or her role.

Video to create a personal connection

Nothing beats the personal connection established by video. By enabling executives and managers to speak directly to their teams via video, communication becomes more human. Employees can see and hear their leaders, reinforcing trust and a sense of belonging to the company. Video creates an emotional connection that transcends traditional communication barriers.

Training with video

Some subjects require a visual, hands-on approach. Video offers an ideal way of presenting demonstrations, procedures and training in a fun, interactive way. The use of tutorials, webinars or online training enhances understanding and facilitates the practical application of lessons learned.

Video communication is a powerful catalyst for strengthening internal communication within companies. By harnessing the benefits of video, organizations can create an environment conducive to collaboration, understanding and engagement. Today, video creation is facilitated by the emergence of ever more powerful cameras on our phones, enabling regular content delivery at controlled production costs.

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