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Why will video become the key to your SEO strategy in 2024?

In 2024, video is the key element of a successful organic SEO strategy. While, until now, Google has relied on words, the evolution of algorithms and Internet users' consumption habits are forcing companies to reinvent their approach.

In 2024, video is the key element of a successful organic SEO strategy. While, until now, Google has relied on words, the evolution of algorithms and Internet users' consumption habits are forcing companies to reinvent their approach.

This year, the key to good SEO will lie as much in technique as in the diversity of the content used. We explain.

What is an SEO strategy?

The aim of an SEO strategy is to improve a site's natural visibility on search engines. It encompasses the search for relevant keywords, on-page optimization including titles, tags and URL structure, the creation of quality content in line with user needs, and the building of quality external links. The ultimate goal of this approach is to achieve better positioning in search results, thereby increasing the site's online visibility and attracting qualified traffic.

Why implement an SEO strategy in 2024?

A well-developed SEO strategy makes it possible to understand user expectations and adapt content accordingly. By following good SEO practices, we align ourselves with Google's criteria for better positioning in search results, which enhances the credibility of the site and increases its notoriety.

SEO remains a fundamental pillar for improving a website's online visibility, thus promoting optimal positioning in search engine results. With search engine algorithms constantly evolving, keeping up to date with current SEO practices helps ensure content longevity and relevance. An effective SEO approach helps to improve the user experience, thus fostering visitor loyalty and increasing the chances of conversion. Investing in an SEO strategy in 2024 remains a necessity to remain competitive, increase online visibility and guarantee the longevity of a digital presence.

SEO in 2024: Google's algorithms favor video

Search engines, especially Google, are placing increasing emphasis on video. Pages that include video tend to rank higher. In 2024, Google is continuing to improve its algorithm to deliver an optimal user experience, and video is a prime means of achieving this.

As online user behavior evolves, visual content is becoming increasingly important. Consumers now prefer easily digestible visual information to long articles. Video offers an attractive way of presenting content, which can significantly increase the time visitors spend on your site.

Videos are ubiquitous, and that's not surprising given the popularity of this format among Internet users. If you want to improve your ranking in 2024, don't underestimate the powerful potential of video marketing. Video content has a conversion rate six times higher, making it a real lead magnet. What's more, according to Forrester Research, a market research firm, the probability of a video appearing on the first page of Google is 1 in 11,000, compared with a probability of 1 in 500,000 for text results.

That's why integrating video content on your site is a wise practice. Properly prepared, videos generate considerable traffic.

In 2024, the creation of personalized videos will therefore play a key role in boosting your website's SEO.

Increased traffic through social networks

Video generates greater engagement on social networks, a trend that will continue into 2024. Users are more likely to share interesting videos, which can lead to greater online visibility. Integrating videos into your SEO strategy not only helps optimize your site, but also capitalizes on the power of social media. Statista, which specializes in statistical studies, reports that every minute on the internet, Instagram sees the creation of 695,000 stories, YouTube records the downloading of 500 hours of videos, and 5,000 people install TikTok.

By 2024, integrating video into your SEO strategy will be an integral part of your search engine positioning.

Download our infographic on the most popular video formats used on social networks.

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