New video production platform for communicators

Créasit & tydeo become partners

tydeo & Créasit partner to meet the video creation needs of public organizations

tydeo & Créasit partner to meet the video creation needs of public organizations.

"A picture is worth 1,000 words, so imagine a video.

Promoting your community, developing your territory, informing and engaging citizens, highlighting the dynamism of shops and associations, presenting cultural and sporting events... These are just some of the reasons why having a high-performance website is essential for local authorities today.

And there's nothing like video to inform! With the highest rate of engagement, this medium is perfectly suited to the many objectives of local authority communication strategies.

To support them and offer them a quality service, tydeo has become a partner of Créasit.

Why Creasit?

Since 2000, Créasit has been helping town councils, communities of communes and other public bodies to design their websites, all over France.

Personalized study,֤ customized webdesign, support and monitoring of your project, research & development, testing & acceptance, training & assistance... Many local authorities already place their trust in them.

Créasit, more than a Web agency

Support & Training: A team to guide you throughout your project: planning, tree structure work, training, editorial best practices, technical and functional assistance...

Accessibility: Sites designed in compliance with RGAA accessibility standards to guarantee an inclusive experience for all users (visually impaired, elderly), without limitations or barriers.

Data protection: Protect your data and that of your constituents in accordance with current regulations (RGPD).‍

Responsive webdesign: A mobile-first approach, for an optimal experience on all devices.

Web quality assurance: Opquast (Open Quality Standards) partner web agency to guarantee the quality and conformity of your website.

Numérique Responsable: Sustainable digital solutions, thanks to a continuous improvement approach aimed at reducing the ecological, economic and social footprint of digital technology. Créasit has joined the LUCIE community and is in the process of obtaining the level 1 Numérique Responsable label.

CSR approach: Promoting gender equality and well-being in the workplace, selecting ethical suppliers and raising customer awareness of environmental issues.

How does a Creasit - tydeo partnership work?

Interview with Emmanuelle Brochard, Director of Communications, Sainte Pazanne Town Hall.

Why did you choose video?

Video is an integral part of our communication strategy. In 2022, the municipality of Sainte-Pazanne decided to overhaul its visual identity, which was an opportunity to reflect on the various communication tools. The idea was to strike a better balance between print and digital communication. Until then, we hadn't made much use of video. Meeting tydeo enabled us to think about the best way to integrate video as a communication medium.

What are the advantages of video?

Interactive and entertaining, video creates a sense of proximity between elected representatives and local residents. It's both a tool for informing and promoting the area. For example, we produced a video presenting the commune: its diverse landscapes, the various players involved in local life... This video, presented to the population during the "vœux" ceremony, helped to generate greater commitment.

But video is also an asset for our partners. tydeo helped us create a banner and signature to promote our videos. We insert them in our e-mails.

What are your distribution channels?

The commune has a Facebook account and a YouTube channel. We also publish videos on our website, created by Creasit. Video allows us to complement our print media. It generally accompanies a dossier, and in our municipal bulletin we've inserted a QR code to link to the video complement. We also integrated the QR code on the town's illuminated billboard. The video was also shared on the municipal library's Instagram account.

Has video enabled you to reach new audiences?

Absolutely. Not least thanks to the planimeter display, which enables us to reach a different target with the QR code. Beyond that, video and its distribution channels enable us to provide access to information in a different way. On complex subjects, it allows us to give the floor to elected representatives to explain different projects. We can integrate figures, infographics, plans... All educational elements that promote access to information. Last but not least, video allows us to reach out to younger audiences, as well as those with reading difficulties.

Was it difficult to get used to?

I'm not trained as a photographer/videographer, and to be honest, I had some preconceived ideas given my workload. But in the end, I was very surprised by how simple it was. We use the mytydeo service, and have opted for a package of videos per year. We have a dedicated contact person who advises us on image capture and shooting, and we also have access to tutorials. Once we've collected all the various elements (photos, video footage, infographics, keywords, etc.), we upload everything to a dedicated space, which enables tydeo to take over the editing, which requires specific technical skills. From then on, we can go back and forth as often as we like to adjust the various elements, and within 48 hours, our video is delivered to us.

What advice would you give to a communications manager or local authority that doesn't yet make videos and wants to take the plunge?

Go for it! Once you start, it makes you want to keep going. We've had very good feedback from elected representatives and residents alike, as well as from staff in terms of internal communication. It's a tool that has now become an essential part of our communication for the commune of Sainte-Pazanne.

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