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Internal Communication

How do you create efficient internal communication videos?

According to Hubspot, 81% of companies will have a marketing budget dedicated solely to video by 2023. While video is an excellent external communication tool, it also proves its worth when it comes to communicating internally.

According to Hubspot, 81% of companies will have a marketing budget dedicated solely to video by 2023. While video is an excellent external communication tool, it also proves its worth when it comes to communicating internally.

The challenges of internal communication

Internal communication encompasses all the communication actions carried out within a company or organization, with its teams as the audience. In 2023, there will be no more posters in the break room and a few e-mails sent on the fly. Internal communications will be digital, dynamic and, above all, effective.

According to a 2020 GuideSpark survey, the perception of internal communication differs between employees and human resources. 78% of HR and 61% of managers find that internal communication is perfectly established, while only 39% of employees believe that information is accessible.

What's more, 65% say they find information incomplete, and 72% consider messages impersonal. This discernment gap shows that there are real challenges to be met in terms of internal communications within companies and organizations.

But when it comes to internal communications, it's just as important to ask the right questions in order to produce an effective video:

  • What message would you like to get across internally?
  • Why is it important to get this message across to your employees?
  • Where do you want to broadcast your message?
  • When will you roll out your message?
  • Who will be involved in creating these messages?

These 5 points, also known as the 5Ws, for What, why, where, when, who, allow you to effectively address your key topics in the creation of videos, for your company's internal communication.

The role of video in internal corporate communications :

Also according to Hubspot, 59% of executives say they prefer to watch a video rather than read text. The human eye focuses first on images, then on textual content. Video is a good way of capturing attention while dynamically conveying the desired message.

In addition to being an attractive format, video can be recycled for use in a variety of media, such as :

  • Internal newsletters
  • Internal social networks
  • The corporate intranet
  • Corporate events

Corporate video: a means of evaluating internal communication

Through the KPIs it generates, it's possible to analyze and understand the performance of an internal communications message. Based on :

  • The number of times the video is played
  • Video playback time
  • Video engagement rate

You can establish a clear, quantified return on your internal communication campaigns.

Interactive formats

According to an article by Steeple, which offers a multi-media internal communications solution, internal communications contribute to the smooth running of the company, by building loyalty and involving employees. It also enhances the employer brand and enriches corporate culture. Audiovisual productions can help you achieve these objectives.

According to Talkspirit, the best-performing corporate videos are short video formats, posted regularly by the company to provide ongoing information on news such as the arrival of a new employee, a change in the organization or the announcement of an event.

By sharing information on a regular basis via in-house videos, companies perfect the effective dissemination of their messages.

tydeo creates your corporate videos:

For the past 10 years, tydeo has been creating videos for companies, putting its know-how at the service of your organization's internal communications. To add information and dynamism to your internal communication videos, contact us.

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